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Viz Translation.

Μετάβαση στη σελίδα : Επιστροφή  1, 2, 3, 4  Επόμενο

Επισκόπηση προηγούμενης Θ.Ενότητας Επισκόπηση επόμενης Θ.Ενότητας Πήγαινε κάτω  Μήνυμα [Σελίδα 3 από 4]

51Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Σαβ 18 Φεβ 2017, 17:50




στη χειρότερη συνεργασία με το alliance και τη γλιτώνει απο όλους αυτούς στη λούφα, και καρπώνεται και τη συνεργασία με τους vinsmoke φάση :D

52Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Σαβ 18 Φεβ 2017, 17:57

Heavenly Yaksha

Heavenly Yaksha


Τους Vinsmoke δεν τους βλέπω κάπου σε όλο αυτό εγώ.

Σκοπός τους ήταν το alliance για να κερδίσουν επιπλέον δύναμη. Αφού αυτό δε θα πετύχει δεν νομίζω να κάνουν άλλο alliance αν δεν έχουν να κερδίσουν κάτι σημαντικό.

Γιατί άλλο ally με Yonko και άλλο με έναν απλό πειρατή..

53Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Σαβ 18 Φεβ 2017, 19:34




μα το όλο θέμα είναι να κυνηγήσει το να γίνει yonko... με τη βοήθεια τους μπορεί να θεωρηθεί, κι επίσης μετά θα έχουν όντως yonko δίπλα τους

54Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Σαβ 18 Φεβ 2017, 19:59

Heavenly Yaksha

Heavenly Yaksha


Είναι αυτό που έλεγα πριν, η δύναμη σε ποσότητα του Bege δεν θα είναι πάλι αρκετή.

Για να καταλάβεις τι εννοώ, μεταξύ των δύο BM και Vinsmokes οι δεύτεροι έχουν περισσότερο ανάγκη την πρώτη. H ΒM είχε δεν είχε τη δύναμη τους, είναι Υonko, οι Vinsmokes έχουν βασιστεί πλήρως σε αυτήν για να κατακτήσουν και πάλι το North Blue.

Βέβαια θα μου πεις αν ο Bege κατάφερνε να κατακτήσει όλα αυτά που ανήκουν τώρα στη BM και υπήρξε συνεργασία από πριν με τους Vinsmokes, θα γινόταν, αλλά δεν θεωρώ πως θα γίνει ο Bege τόσο απότομα κυρίαρχος. 

Έχει πολλά "αν" το θέμα και επειδή βλέπω να βγαίνουμε τελείως εκτός, απάντα στο thread το άλλο..  xD

55Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Δευ 06 Μαρ 2017, 22:13




Vice Admiral Smoker
Vice Admiral Smoker
Chapter 856


Chapter 857


56Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Τρι 07 Μαρ 2017, 00:57




κοίτα γενικά δεν αλλάζει και πολλά, παρόλα αυτά, τονίζει σε συγκεκριμένα σημεία, το πόσο περίεργος είναι ο bege ακόμα περισσότερο, και το πόσο εύκολα μπορεί να στραβώσει το όλο θέμα

57Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Τρι 14 Μαρ 2017, 00:53




Vice Admiral Smoker
Vice Admiral Smoker
Chapter 858

- I found Streusen's song to be easier to understand in the official translation than in either scanlation. It also rhymes in the official: "A life of fluff, of zest and zeal / Let me tell you, that life's not real! / The hard knock life is salt and strain / and tablespoons of tears of pain! / But after all that strife and ache / you all deserve a nice, sweet cake."

- In the Mangastream version, Pekoms says "There's definitely something weird going on," which doesn't necessarily mean the Sun Pirates themselves are what's weird. However, in both other translations, he is clearly talking about the Sun Pirates themselves: in Jaimini's box, he notes "Aren't you acting pretty weird?" and in VIZ, asks "Why are you actin' so dodgy?" Also, what Pekoms described being carried is a little different in each. Jaimini's is non-committal, just saying "lugging stuff around". MS uses "packages and cargo". VIZ uses "luggage an' stuff".

- For the scene where Vito's speech quirk confuses Luffy and Sanji, VIZ translates it as, "No need to panic. Your fellolelows are relelolaxing at their leloleisure." (The reply is "Um, can you repeat that?!")

- Chiffon's words about her wounds not healing are a little different in VIZ: "Every time we met, she would beat and abuse me for years and years. The scars were constant." (And this makes the implication heavier for more than just physical scars/wounds, too.)

- Brook's and Luffy's words to each other are a a bit different between the various versions. In MS, Brook calls the baths "paradise", and says "I almost can't leave!" (As in, he wants to stay in the bath.) Jaimini's, however, after calling it paradise, says "But I'm not going there yet!" (It's a little hard to tell what this means, but seems to imply that he's not going into the meeting room just yet?) VIZ makes it clearer with "It felt like I was going to heaven...well, not today, I say!" Also, MS has Luffy kind of scolding Brook for acting all relaxed like he just had a battle (which, in fact he did), but both Jaimini's and VIZ have him basically agreeing, and saying it's kinda like that relaxed feeling after a battle.

- In both scanlations, Bege refers to the Straw Hats as "a pain in the ass", which isn't clear whether Bege sees them as pests just in terms of their plan for this wedding, or in general as competition. Official translation suggests the former, calling them "unwanted intruders". Furthermore, when agrees with Sanji's analysis that he can't kill him, Bege just says he'll have to spare "you", leaving it ambiguous as to whether he means only Sanji, or the whole crew by extension. In the official version, though, he says "You're the one man I can't kill", which only confirms that he's ruled out killing Sanji, not necessarily anybody else.

- Nami's and Sanji's comments about Caesar being obvious were, in the scanlations, ambiguous as to whether they were exasperated with just Chopper for only realizing now, or for Luffy and Chopper for taking this long to realize. Official version has Nami say "Oh, Chopper", and Sanji adding "He's been here the whole time, man," clarifying that it's the former.

- In MS, Bege states that he was handed "this" (the heart) when he took over guarding Caesar. Neither Jaimini's nor VIZ mentions the heart at all, instead both saying that Bege asked to take over as guard and they agreed without question.

- In both scanlations, Bege just says he has a plan. In VIZ, he says he's "arranged" one, "in exacting detail".

58Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Τρι 14 Μαρ 2017, 20:46

Heavenly Yaksha

Heavenly Yaksha


Βλέποντας τη μετάφραση με αυτό που λέει o Bege ότι εσένα δε μπορώ να σε σκοτώσω,μόλις το είδα μου ήρθε στο μυαλό η ιδέα πως το λέει όχι γιατί είναι διαταγή της Big Mom αλλά από τους Germa που είναι σύμμαχοι.

Άλλωστε το είπε και ο Sanji πως αυτός είναι ο γάμος των συνωμοσιών..

59Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Τετ 15 Μαρ 2017, 00:06

The Red-Haired

The Red-Haired


Δεν το αποκλείω, αλλά τότε γιατί δεν ήταν ενημερωμένη η αδερφή του?

Φάνηκε να έχει άγνοια κινδύνου και γι'αυτό την πάτησε. Αν υπήρχε κάτι από κάτω, θα κινούνταν διαφορετικά και ο πατέρας με τα αδέρφια δε θα μπεκρόπιναν... Βέβαια μπορεί να υπήρχε και σκοπιμότητα, για να παραπλανηθούν οι underlines της Mom. Θα δείξει

60Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Σαβ 18 Μαρ 2017, 01:31




μπορεί να το ξέρουν μόνο ο jajji ichiji kai nijji ξερω γω

61Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Σαβ 18 Μαρ 2017, 01:36




αν το ηξεραν γιατι πριν 3 τσαπτερς ελεγε ο τζατζι στα παιδια του οτι πλεον με την συμμαχια με την μπιγκ μαμ θα ειμαστε παλη δυνατη?

62Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Σαβ 18 Μαρ 2017, 11:37




γιατί αν το έλεγαν και μαθαινόταν θα είχαν μεγαλύτερο θέμα!

63Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Σαβ 18 Μαρ 2017, 12:54




αφου ηταν μονοι τους σε ενα δωματιο...

64Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Σαβ 18 Μαρ 2017, 13:22




ναι μαλακία.... μπορεί μονο ο jajji ποτέ δεν ξέρεις... αν και φαίνονται και λίγο βλάκες και κρέμονται απο τη συμφωνία

65Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Κυρ 19 Μαρ 2017, 18:43

Heavenly Yaksha

Heavenly Yaksha


Νομίζω στα δωμάτια που βρίσκονται υπάρχουν αντικείμενα-homies όποτε είναι εύκολο να τους ρουφιανέψουν. 

Θεωρώ μεγάλη αφέλεια να έχεις να κάνεις με πειρατές και να μην είσαι καθόλου καχύποπτος ότι μπορεί και να στη φέρουν. Αν ισχύει κάτι τέτοιο,δηλαδή αν όντως δεν έχουν καμία καχυποψία ως προς τη Big Mom τότε είναι πολύ βλάκες.

66Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Δευ 20 Μαρ 2017, 17:46




αυτό σκέφτομαι κι εγώ, ότι όλο αυτό είναι ένα ακτ, το παίζω πιωμένος και χίλια δυό και ότι δεν έχω πάρει χαμπάρι, και ξαφνικά τα κάνω όλα πουτάνα ή είμαι μέρος του σχεδίου... μην ξεχνάς ότι το μεγαλύτερο κομμάτι του σώματος τους είναι μηχανικό, δε νομίζω να μεθάνε τόσο απλά!!! τεσπά περιμένουμε να δούμε

67Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Δευ 20 Μαρ 2017, 21:55

Heavenly Yaksha

Heavenly Yaksha


Αυτό ακριβώς. Ή τουλάχιστον αν δεν έμαθαν κάπως για το σχέδιο της Big Mom, θα με κάλυπτε απλά να είχαν ένα δικό τους σχέδιο για να την αποδυναμώσουν..

Αν και ποντάρω στο ότι το όποιο σχέδιο είχαν θα ήταν μακρυπρόθεσμο και θα το εφάρμοζαν με τον καιρό,όχι μπαμ και κάτω όπως το Luffy-Bege-Gastino alliance..

68Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Δευ 20 Μαρ 2017, 22:10




Vice Admiral Smoker
Vice Admiral Smoker
Chapter 859: Emperor Assassination Plan

- As a rather unrelated side note, the VIZ thumbnail for this chapter (which usually has a clip from the previous week's chapter, unless there's a color spread) had the picture of Nami in the bathtub from last week, because of course.

- Whereas the Mangastream and Jaimini's Box scanlations have Sanji (and later Bege) refer to Big Mom as an "iron balloon" (and I'm guessing that's the actual translations of those characters), the official VIZ translation uses "blimp made of steel".

- Again, Vito's speech quirk is put right into his words in the VIZ version; when talking about how creating a 5-second window will be difficult, a couple of his words become "difficulelolt" and "Generalelo".

- In MS, Chiffon calls Caesar "Gas-tiny" instead of Gastino; in Jaimini's Box, she uses "Gas-boy"; in VIZ, it's "Gas-hiko", which was the original Japanese (meaning "Gas-boy") that was apparently left untranslated here.

- Amusingly, in the official version, there's an extra gag that the scanlations didn't have: in the panel after Bege was speaking in a baby voice to Pez, when he re-addresses the group and starts explaining how they've been under Big Mom's umbrella for a year, he first says "umbrella" still in the baby voice ("umbwella") before correcting himself. He then does it again in the next major panel (showing Pez sleeping in-between), saying "nappens" instead of "happens" before again correcting himself.

- MS and VIZ both have Bege describe that Big Mom doesn't take damage when "sinking ships" (as in, sinking other people's), but Jaimini's Box says "when her ship sinks" (as in, other people damaging her ship). Also, MS had Bege say "eating direct gun- or cannonfire", which, given that Big Mom is a big eater, could perhaps be taken literally. Neither of the other two say that, with Jaimini's saying she's "hit by" it and VIZ saying she's "taking" it.

- In MS, the name of the benefactor (who seems to be named after the caramel sweets) is spelled Mother "Caramel", the actual spelling of the sweet name; however, both Jaimini's and VIZ spell it as Mother "Carmel" (the way many people actually pronounce that word, without the second "a"), which (as Jaimini's noted in a TN) might be a reference to the Carmelites in Japan, who are known for selling sweets.

- Quite a few MS problems when talking about Mother Carmel and the photo: Bege calls the picture of her one of Big Mom's weaknesses in MS, but it's referred to as her one/only weakness in VIZ and Jaimini's; MS also rather-misleadingly has Chiffon say that "she apparently ran away", whereas the latter two translations say that she "went missing"; and the former says that "someone touched" the photo, but the latter two say a servant/waiter accidentally dropped it.

- The official translation also has Chiffon say that Big Mom's face turned "pale" (the scanlations say it turned blue), and all versions describe the noise she made differently: MS says "a piercing, almost alien sound", Jaimini's calls it "a weird, ear-splitting shriek", and VIZ says "a tremendous scream like I've never heard before". Furthermore, MS has it described as "similar to a violent fit", but Jaimini's and VIZ both state that it's different from the fits she has due to her hunger pangs.

- The scanlations have Bege call Luffy reliable/dependable after he agrees to break the picture; in the official, he says "Your confidence is inspiring."

- The cheese used for the celebration in Cheese Town, to go with the beer, is specified to be "brie supreme" in the official translation. Also, the conglomerate arriving has a different name in all the versions; it's "Rufeld" in MS, "Lufeld" in Jaimini's, and "Du Feld" in VIZ.

- A minor point, but the scanlations say that it's a "peaceful day" (as in, a nice, calm day), but the official translation says "a day of peace" (implying peace between different groups).

- Ichiji saying "Oh, by the way" in MS after Judge comments that Reiju's not in her room makes it sound like he's about to say something else, but in both Jaimini's and VIZ, he says "Now that you mention it..." as in, noticing that Reiju's not there once Judge brought it up.

69Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Τρι 21 Μαρ 2017, 10:49




τους παρουσιάζει τους vinsmoke πολύ care free τελευταία, ενώ έκανε τόσο αγώνα να μας παρουσιάσει έναν δολοφονικό στρατό κλώνων, που μπορεί να κάνει τα πάντα, και είναι φόβος και τρόμος.... εμένα δε μου το βγάζετε απο το μυαλό θα παίξει πουστιά..

επίσης όντως δε μου χτυπούσε καλά το reliable για το λουφυ, και δεν είχα καν ιδέα χαχαχα

70Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Τρι 28 Μαρ 2017, 08:34




Vice Admiral Smoker
Vice Admiral Smoker
Chapter 860

VIZ name of the chapter: "10:00 Start".
When Jimbei is talking about Big Mom's punishment of sacrificing others along with him, he calls the punishment "draconian" in Mangastream, "absurd" in Jaimini's Box, and "unreasonable and dishonorable" in VIZ.
When Aladine is explaining how they're prepared to escape as Jimbei told them, MS is a bit more confusing when he follows that up with "We will do what we can to ensure you can be free", as if he's continuing the previous sentence and implying that they can help Jimbei by doing so. However, in both Jaimini's and VIZ, Aladine follows it up with "But, Jimbei, we want to help you become free!" (as in, saying something more like 'we could run like you're telling us, but that'll just help us and we want to help you.') Jimbei replies with "I know that!" and Aladine counters, "No you don't! I know you're planning to go out in a blaze of glory with them!"
The scanlations weren't totally clear whom Niji was talking to with his line about "not interfering with the adults". VIZ clarifies that he was talking to Yonji: "Give a grown woman her privacy, you dolt."
The pig-themed carriage (which is simply called the "pig-carriage" by MS) is called the "carri-pig" by Jaimini's, while VIZ (similar to the previous cat-carriage of the Vinsmokes) gives it a punny name: "porkswagon".
Official translation stuff for the newly introduced characters:
-This week confirms that the Du Feld spelling VIZ used last week is correct. The official translation uses the exact same titles for him as Jaimini's Box: Loan Shark King, "God of Fortune" Du Feld.
-Title for Stussy is a combo of MS's and Jaimini's: Queen of the Pleasure District.
-Drug Peclo is the Major Undertaker.
-Morgans is pretty much the same. President of the World Economic Journal, "Big News" Morgans.
-Giberson is the Warehouse Kingpin. Both scanlations use "The Concealer" as his moniker, but VIZ uses "The Hider".
-Like Jaimini's, Umit is called the Shipping King. Moniker is "Deep-Sea Currents." Rather than saying four times "Indeed" (MS) or "Mhm" (Jaimini's), he says "Ship-a-dip-dip!"
-Like MS, Jigra is called an Organ Dealer.
Perospero incorporates speech tics and puns into his speech in the official translation where it was not included in the scanlations (not sure if it was in the raw or not): he says he'll "prepare-rorin" a shortcut, says they should move "lickety-split", and states that they're the "final guests, perorin!"
As you may have guessed, VIZ does not go with the "Dogtooth" translation that MS chose, but keeps it as "Katakuri" like Jaimini's. "Dogtooth violet" is one meaning of the word, but another (which, given the food theme naming, is the more likely intended meaning here) is "potato starch" (that is apparently actually made with said violets?).
Also, Katakuri states in MS that two of Bege's men would have been shot dead, but in both of the other translations, they were merely shot (not necessarily fatally).

71Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Τρι 28 Μαρ 2017, 20:39

Heavenly Yaksha

Heavenly Yaksha


Γενικά αν θες να είσαι πιο κοντά στη αυθεντική μετάφραση,αφού δεν υπάρχει Powermanga,η καλύτερη λύση είναι να διαβάζεις από το Jaimini. Πολύ καλή δουλειά..

72Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Τετ 05 Απρ 2017, 10:04




Vice Admiral Smoker
Vice Admiral Smoker
861: Veteran Actor

- The scanlations make it sound like Vito was reassured by having the Straw Hats and co. as allies (Mangastream is a little ambiguous, with "It was nice havin' these guys one our side", while Jaimini's Box says "I thought that I would feel reassured with the allies we have"), but the official translation makes it sound more like Vito is lamenting that all the Charlotte members he just named made good allies, and having them as enemies will be difficult ("They were handy to have at our backs as allies")

- Jamini's Box sees Morgans call Big Mom "Mamiga" (Mama + amiga, as noted by the TN); MS completely ignored this. VIZ doesn't go with the pun here, simply having him call her "amiga".

- Naturally, the "loose lips sink ships" thing from MS doesn't show up in the official translation (or in Jaimini's); VIZ instead says "Leaks of information are an unpredictable source of peril."

- When Sanji is offering to kiss Pudding on the forehead instead, MS adds in a part about "or somewhere else, maybe", which could be taken...weirdly . But in both Jaimini's and VIZ, he only mentions the forehead.

- In Jaimini's, Pudding mentally calls Sanji a "perverted kappa" (with the TN explaining what a kappa is), while MS altogether ignores this word. VIZ basically uses an English equivalent with "perverted clown".

- On the last page, a woman (Stussy?) comments "beautiful!", but it's ambiguous as to whether she means the ceremony or something else. The official version instead puts it as "She's gorgeous!", meaning Pudding.

- In the very last panel on the MS version, Bege comments that Sanji's "getting way too into his acting role," making it sound like he thinks Sanji is doing a bad job/messing it up and knows that it might not be entirely acting. Jamini's and especially VIZ, though, show that he is impressed with Sanji and really does think his "acting" is just very good: "Man, this guy's sellin' it! What an actor!"

73Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Δευ 17 Απρ 2017, 20:50

Heavenly Yaksha

Heavenly Yaksha


  • The name of the chapter is "Cerebral."

  • As before, the song rhymes, at least for most of it, in the VIZ version: "There are times when love is tough / and there are times where love is rough / but after all your tests and trials / you'll finally walk down the aisle / come rain or come spears, don't let that hand go!"

  • For some reason, Mangastream had Big Mom call the Head Chef "Streusel." Jaimini's Box and VIZ use the correct name, "Streusen", though Jaimini's misspells it.

  • Reiju's thoughts about the Vinsmokes being surrounded by the Charlotte siblings are a little different in each version. In MS, she notes that their seats are open and easy to hit; Jaimini's has her think that the Charlottes don't seem like easy opponents; and in VIZ, she notes that they (the Vinsmokes) are "in a very convenient spot to be attacked".

  • In the scene with Sanji and Pudding standing at the altar where the priest begins the vows, in both scanlations, the part about "in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer" appears in the top three speech bubbles; in the official, it appears in the bottom two instead, with the top three saying instead "Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold".

  • In the panel after Big Mom thinks to herself that Pudding is too slow, there's a bubble that says, in MS, "My third eye!", as though it's Pudding thinking about it. However, both Jaimini's and VIZ instead say "Three-eyes!", implying that it's actually Pudding remembering someone calling her that.

74Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Τρι 25 Απρ 2017, 00:34




Vice Admiral Smoker
Vice Admiral Smoker
Chapter 863....

VIZ chapter name: "The Honorable"

- After Sanji notes that "it will be decided in an instant", both of the scanlations have him say "I'm counting on you, Luffy!" (so that probably is the more exact translation). However, I actually like the slight change that the official translation did: "You can do it, Luffy!"

- Both of the scanlations also have Big Mom say "Straw Hat Luffy?! That bastard!", but in the official she says, "Straw Hat Luffy?! Are you kidding me?!"

- In Mangastream, one of Streusen's workers tells him to run for it because Big Mom's acting "quite dangerously". Jaimini's Box and VIZ are slightly different, with the former saying "weird" and the latter using "strange".

-Μorgans's words about Soul Pocus (since I saw a couple of people curious about it): "That's her Soul Pocus! Whatta scoop! She's going to take their lifespan! She's speaking directly to the human soul's fixation on its own life! If they fear death even for an instant... There! See?!" Also, the speech bubble after that (where we don't really know who's saying it) says "This is crazy!" in MS and "Don't screw with me!" in JB, and reads "This isn't funny!" in VIZ (which sounds, more than the scanlations, like it could be from someone else talking to Morgans?).

- In MS, when Big Mom is looking for the real Luffy, there's a "sun bubble" that says "Monkey D. Luffy! I remember you!" as though she's currently thinking it to herself. However, in Jaimini's it says "I'll remember you", and in VIZ it reads "I will remember that name", so she's clearly actually recalling her words to Luffy in the past, as the start of the flashback words that continue into the next page.

- Bege's thoughts are also a little different in each version, rather like with Morgans. VIZ version: "Idiot! It's a diversion! Does she really think she's going to get an answer?! And of course he's not gonna come straight for her!"
Though it might be an extra addition, the official translation shows that Vito is the one who responds to Bege, since he notes that they're ready to "lelo-launch" at any time.

- Big Mom's words after Katakuri attacks Luffy are also a little different in VIZ: "Do you think you're helping, Katakuri?! You're my son--you don't get to call the shots!"

- Both of the scanlations have Jimbei use the "ocean current lifter" move with the kanji for black tea (as noted in translator's notes). The official translation calls it "Tea Current Shoulder Throw" (instead of "sea current"). Also, Katakuri's following line about analyzing him confused some people; in VIZ, it's easier to understand, saying "Don't explain my powers to them", so he was clearly seeing into the future where Jimbei does exactly that on the next page.

- Big Mom's words to Jimbei in VIZ more closely resemble those from JB than from MS: "Wait. You decided not to leave me earlier...yet now you're sticking up for the cake wrecker?! Shall I take this as rebellion?!"

- VIZ interestingly foreshadows the twist about Jimbei not losing any lifespan with his words to Big Mom: "If you promise not to harm anyone aside from me, I will offer you as much of my life as you can take!"

- Big Mom says to Jimbei in MS "Make your move, fool!", but in both JB and VIZ, says "You've got a deal!"

- As Big Mom starts to attack Jimbei, both of the scanlations have Luffy comment "she's coming!" or some such, but the official version uses "Hey, what a cheap shot!"

75Viz Translation. - Σελίδα 3 Empty Απ: Viz Translation. Τρι 25 Απρ 2017, 01:03

Scarlet D.

Scarlet D.


ε γ*** το σιστο μου μεσα με τους παραπληγικους που μεταφραζουν. τοσο η jamai οσο και η viz το γαργαλησαν τον τιτλο


Επισκόπηση προηγούμενης Θ.Ενότητας Επισκόπηση επόμενης Θ.Ενότητας Επιστροφή στην κορυφή  Μήνυμα [Σελίδα 3 από 4]

Μετάβαση στη σελίδα : Επιστροφή  1, 2, 3, 4  Επόμενο

Δικαιώματα σας στην κατηγορία αυτή
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