The thing in Shirahoshi's hair is a taiyaki (Japanese red bean pastry).
That Luffy drawing is what Fujitora imagines Luffy looks like.
The gorilla is named Uhho-kun. He likes the Marine okaki snacks.
Birthdays everywhere
Viola - 30 April ("Sumire" is japanese for "violet", written as "4 3 0" where "4" is read with Chinese pronunciation "su")
Gin - 7 April (Atomic number of Silver "47")
Miss Valentine's Day - 14 February (Valentine's Day)
Miss Father's Day - 21 June (Father's Day)
Leo - 24 July (The start of Leo's month in the Zodiac)
Kuina - 17 September ("Ku I Na" written as "9 1 7")
Penguin - 21 April (World Penguin Day... such a thing exists?!)
Shachi - 7 April ("Sh a Chi" written as "4 7", "a" omitted)
Kyros - 22 September (September comes from "kyu", but 22 apparently comes from "Double Piece"? I can't make out what that's supposed to mean)
The Strawhat Grand Fleet and their Ships
Orlumbus has 50 Nita Maria (2Ta Maria) ships, 5 Santa Maria (3Ta Maria) ships, and 1 Yonta Maria (4Ta Maria) ship, in order of smallest to biggest.
Don Sai commands the Happou Navy, which consists of one Happousai ship and 7 smaller Ippousai ships.
Cavendish's ship is the White Horse of the Sleeping Forest.
Hajruddin's ship is Naglfarl.
Bartolomeo's ship, we already know is the Going Luffy-senpai.
Ideo and Leo don't have ships of their own yet. They hitched on Orlumbus' ships for the time being.
The Supernova's (1) Favorite and (2) Least Favorite foods.
Kidd - (1) Cabbage Rolls (2) Curry Udon
Killer - (1) Peperoncino (2) Curry Udon
Apoo - (1) Tom Yam Soup (2) Mayonnaise
Urouge - (1) Azuki beans, Pork (2) Vegetables (I kinda see why you're the fallen monk)
Hawkins - (1) Fortune Cookies (hah!) (2) Meat
Drake - (1) Chicken Rice (2) Eggs
Law - (1) Onigiri, Grilled fish (2) Bread, Umeboshi
Bege - (1) Meatballs, Tomatoes (2) Tomato juice
Bonney - (1) Pizza (Margherita) (2) Carrots
The second half of the page is Oda answering a fan's question about drawing manga and what's important for it, but there's too much Japanese for me to read through. What I can gather is that he's talking about the Jump Ryu DVD and probably the interview it contains.
A fan notices Brook's song "Let's go to meet Master Nekomamushi" is based off the song written by Brook's voice actor Cho-san.
Another fan counts the number of times each Strawhat has performed a "tsukkon" (I'm guessing that means "tsukkomi" or "comical reaction to something stupid"). In decreasing order:
Usopp (458 times)
Nami (295 times)
Zoro (263 times)
Sanji (246 times)
Chopper (129 times)
Luffy (112 times)
Franky (92 times)
Robin (16 times)
Brook (15 times)
Buggy (57 times)
Vivi (40 times)